Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I read this today on a FaceBook profile:

“Everyone's truth is different, as to each and every one, reality is perception, and perception reality. It is only from a thorough searching deep within, not from some external source, that we come to some degree of commonality concerning truth.”

My response:
"There is only one truth. The foundation of truth is God Himself, who is truth. Reality is the way God perceives everything. Therefore, to know the truth, we must line up our thinking with God’s. Truth is found ultimately, not in ourselves, but in Jesus Christ who is truth, and in the infallible word of God. Only by coming to Jesus and the Scriptures will we also come together. True unity and true freedom can only exist among people who believe the truth." (John 8:32; 14:6; 17:17, Ephesians 4:13-15)

The same individual wonders "why abortion ever became anything other than a personal family decision."

My response:
How about "You shall not murder." ~ Exodus 20:13
How about taking a look at:

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