word commands us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul,
mind and strength. Everyone who believes in God would say that they
in some sense love God. But how are we to know if we actually do
love Him? Are there any tests by which we may ascertain the veracity
of our professed love for God? Two ways by which we may know if we
truly love the Lord are the giving of thanks and learning to be
content. Of course these two things are related. Those who give
thanks to God for all things tend to become content. Those who are
content with what they have are usually thankful to God for His
blessings. The 10th Commandment forbids coveting. When we covet
what others have we are in effect complaining against God because He
did not see fit to give those things to us. If we love God, we
should be content with what we have.
13:5 says, "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content
with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never
leave you nor forsake you.'" God has given us, not everything
we want, but everything we need. And above all He has given us
Himself and will never leave us. Contentment comes when we know that
God loves us, meets our needs and will never abandon us. This is
true because of Christ's once and for all sacrifice on the cross for
our sins and the subsequent gift of His Holy Spirit to us who
believe. Do you love God? Are you content?
if we love God, we will give thanks to Him at all times and in all
things. And we will do so, not only with our lips, but from our
hearts. That is, we will see God as our Creator and Provider and
will realize our absolute dependence upon Him. Our response to God
as our Creator and Provider is thanksgiving. In Romans 1:21 the
apostle Paul indicates the great sin of mankind in turning away from
God: "although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God,
nor were thankful." Francis Schaeffer writes, "The
beginning of man's rebellion against God was, and is, the lack of a
thankful heart." (True Spirituality) True love for God is demonstrated by
thanksgiving from the heart in all things. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
says, "in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you." This must not be a superficial exercise.
It is to sincerely acknowledge the goodness of God in my life in all
circumstances. Every gift is from above and every trial is also from
the loving hand of my heavenly Father. He makes all things work
together for my good. Therefore I instinctively give thanks for His
all-wise providence in working things for my good. And I especially
give thanks for the indescribable gift of salvation in His Son Jesus
Christ. By cultivating contentment and thanksgiving in our daily
lives, we will be loving God and demonstrating to the world around us
that God is good and worthy of praise.