1Corinthians 5:17-21
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through
Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself,
not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the
word of reconciliation.
Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading
through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might
become the righteousness of God in Him.
you think about it, life comes down to our relationships. Our
relationship with family members is very important. We don't always
get along very well with each other in the family though we realize
how important it is to do so. Work relationships are also important.
Companies work at improving "employee
Good relationships at work make the job more enjoyable and also
increase productivity. Having good relationships with your neighbors
is pretty important. But what about our relationship to God? Surely
having a good relationship with your Creator would be a good thing
and necessary to one's well-being, right? If so, we need to ask what
it takes to have a good or a right relationship with God?
passage we are looking at this morning gives us some vital and
helpful information for having a right relationship to God. The
average person today is woefully ignorant of these things. This
morning we will look at four truths that will show us the way to have
a right relationship with the Maker and Sustainer of the universe.
We Were Created by God to Enjoy Communion With God
first verse in the Bible says, In
the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
On day six God made man. Genesis 1:27 says, So
God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
God created man in His own image that we might live in communion
with himself. Being made in His image we were given a mind to think
God's thoughts after Him. We were given a conscience with God's law
written there, that we might know how to please and glorify God. We
were given a capacity to know God and to love Him. Man was created
with the ability to speak to God and to hear Him speak and understand
Lord God also entered into a covenant of life with Adam and gave Adam
and Eve free will. They were holy and sinless as created. They had
pure and holy desires. They were perfectly happy in the Garden where
God would come and speak with them. They were blessed with wholesome
work, that of tending the Garden. They brought glory to God in
exercising dominion over creation. God also gave them the Sabbath
Day for rest. God blessed them by instituting marriage and
establishing the family. Adam and Eve, as originally created, were
in a right relationship with their Creator. It was a good
relationship, a holy relationship, which resulted in peace and joy
for Adam and Eve. They were at peace with God and at peace with each
other. There were no barriers, no obstacles to their relationships.
We can only dream of the bliss that was enjoyed by Adam and Eve
during that time of man's innocence. We can only imagine how
perfectly happy they were, enjoying God as they were created to do,
without sin and with uninterrupted fellowship with the Lord.
However, something happened to that perfect relationship with God.
That leads us to the second point:
Our Sin Has Separated Us From God
Henry, who was Matthew Henry's father, wrote that, "When
God made man at first there was perfect love and amity between
them–God at peace with man; man at peace with God. They had sweet
fellowship and converse one with another, walking together in the
garden. But when Adam sinned, then, immediately, the quarrel began.
Eating the forbidden fruit broke the peace, and ever since there hath
been a quarrel."
In Genesis chapter three we read about the fall of man. Adam and
Eve both disobeyed God's commandment. They gave in to the temptation
of the Serpent and immediately there was a breach in their
relationship with God. They suddenly felt ashamed that they were
naked. They sewed fig leaves to try and cover their shame.
were alienated from God as Genesis 3:8 says, And
they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the
cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the
presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
They hid from God, who had been their friend. They didn't want to
see Him. They were guilty and knew it. God had said that if they
ate from the tree He commanded them not to eat of, that they would
die. Well, they did die spirituality at that very moment. Their
souls had been in union and communion with God. Then they were
separated from Him. Isaiah 59:2 says, But
your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have
hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.
hides from God and God also hides his face from man. It is a mutual
quarrel. There is enmity on both sides. Since the fall, man by
nature does not love God, does not want to know God, does not want to
be near God. God, on His part, is against them on account of their
sin. Ephesians 2:3 says that all men are children
of wrath. Romans 8:7
says that the carnal
mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God,
nor indeed can be.
This quarrel between man and God only widens over time. Daily we add
sin upon sin. Sins of omission and commission. God's wrath is
building and growing with each sin. Romans 2:5 says, But
because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath
for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will
be revealed. God has
every right to be angry with us and to cast us away from His presence
is far worse a thing than men think it is. The Bible calls our sin a
debt. We are indebted to the God who made us and has blessed us. We
owe everything to Him and yet we give Him nothing. We have amassed a
great amount of debt and we are unable to pay it. Our sins are also
called "trespasses"
in the Bible. We have trespassed God's commands. We have gone
astray and have crossed boundaries that have been forbidden to cross.
Men today seem to delight in crossing new boundaries every day.
They flaunt their perversions and laugh at God's laws. And haven't
we all laughed at sin and thought it was a fun thing to disobey?
Again, Phillip Henry writes, "We
must look upon sin as a treason, high treason, against the crown and
dignity of the God of heaven: an affront to his majesty. It defies,
despises, denies him."
With Pharaoh we say, "Who
is the Lord that I should obey His voice?"
sin is like a wall that stands between the sinner and God. That wall
of sin consists in the corruption of our hearts and our stubborn will
to go our own way. That wall is the heart of stone we have by nature
that will not turn away from sin and refuses to turn back to God.
That wall between us consists also in God's holiness who is too pure
to look upon evil. He cannot allow sin into His holy presence. He
hates it with all His being and has promised to punish it with
everlasting burnings. Exodus 34:7 says that God will "by
no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children and the children’s children to the third and the
fourth generation."
Clearly, sin has ruined the relationship we were created to have
with God. And yet even within the heart of sinful men there is a
yearning for what they do not have. As Augustine said, "Our
hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."
We know that something is missing in our lives. Do you feel it?
That something is a right relationship with the God who made us.
That leads us to the next truth to think about.
God Seeks to Reconcile Sinners to Himself
verse 18 we are introduced to a word that brings hope to the sinner's
ear. That word is "reconciliation."
Verse 18 says, Now
all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus
What does this word "reconciled"
or "reconciliation"
mean? "Reconciliation
is the restoration of loving fellowship after estrangement."
It is the bringing together of those who were enemies so that they
are now friends. In all non-Christian religious thought it is only
man who must take steps to do the work of reconciliation. But in
Christianity God is the author of reconciliation. Verse 19 says, God
was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
God takes the initiative and He does the reconciling. The NT
Dictionary of Theology states that, "Human
action, including even repentance and confession of sins, is not a
work of man to bring about and initiate reconciliation, to which God
reacts. Rather, it is the reaction of man to the work of God and as
such necessary and demanded."
other words, by the time we hear the message of reconciliation, it is
a finished work. It has been effected by the work of Jesus Christ.
Verse 19 indicates that part of that work of reconciliation is "not
imputing their trespasses to them."
Sin is the barrier that must be removed before our relationship with
God can become whole again. The guilt of sin is a wall that until
satisfaction is made for it, God cannot be friends with us. This wall
could only be broken down by Christ dying. All our own
righteousness, penances, pilgrimages, promises or works are of no
effect and cannot repair the breach. Sometimes when two friends are
at odds, one person will send gifts to the other hoping to build
goodwill and a change of heart. Man tends to think that this will
work with God also. So we go through religious exercises and duties
and deeds thinking that God will take these into consideration and be
willing to accept us.
God is perfectly righteous. In order to be friends with God, we must
have a perfect righteousness. Sinful man tends to think that God
grades on the curve and that as long as we try our best, God will
accept us. The general thought among people is that it doesn't
matter so much what you believe as long as you try your best to live
an upright life and sincerely practice your religion, then surely
you'll be accepted by God. That's what comes across at most funeral
services isn't it? "Ole
John was a good man. He wasn't perfect, but He did a lot for people.
If anybody ever needed help he was there to do whatever he could.
He hardly ever missed church and he was a loving father. If anybody
makes it to heaven, surely John will be there."
thoughts ignore the barrier of sin. It ignores that Scripture refers
to our righteousness as "filthy
John Calvin said, "Beware,
then, of placing even the smallest drop of your confidence on any
thing apart from the gospel."
The only righteousness that will reconcile us to God is the perfect
righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 21 says, "For
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become
the righteousness of God in Him."
This is the only way sinful people can be reconciled to God. Christ
had to become sin for us - not a sinner, but He had to take the
sinner's place and endure the wrath of God that was due to us.
Christ had to assume our sin in order that we might assume His
righteousness. Commentator C.K. Barrett says, "Since
transgressions were no longer counted against men the way was open
for reconciliation; nothing remained but for men to take it."
leads us to the final truth to consider:
God Requires Repentance and Faith for Us to be Reconciled to Him
is a gift of God that was purchased by Christ on our behalf. And yet
that message of reconciliation must be proclaimed, heard and
responded to for it to be actually effected in our lives. The
apostle Paul declared to the Corinthians in v. 20, "Now
then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading
through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to
is incomplete until it is accepted by both sides. Just because
Christ died and rose again does not automatically make you reconciled
to God. The barrier of God's wrath against sin has been removed but
another sinful barrier remains to be removed in us. We are sinful
and corrupt and do not want to be reconciled to God! We despise Him
and don't want to get near Him.
are enslaved to sin and our wills are in bondage. God must not only
remove the guilt of sin by the cross but must remove the stubborn
heart of stone by the work of His Spirit. In Ezekiel 36:26,
referring to the New Covenant, God says, "I
will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will
take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of
flesh." This is
what Paul is getting at in verse 17, "Therefore,
if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
We must have a new heart, a new birth in order to make us willing to
come to God and be reconciled. When God opens our hearts and gives
us a new heart, then we are enabled to repent of our sins and receive
Christ by faith. Then the reconciliation is complete.
as Romans 5:1 says, "having
been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ."
To be reconciled to God is to have peace with God. Do you have
peace with God this morning? Are you right with Him? Is there
something between you and the Lord this morning? Then, as Paul urged
the Corinthians, I would urge each of us this morning, "Be
reconciled to God!"
God has set aside His enmity and offers peace to you this morning.
The terms of peace on His side have been met by His Son on the cross.
On our side we must repent of our sins and turn to Christ, receiving
the gift of reconciliation by faith. Each and every day we sin and
when we do we must turn back to be reconciled to God. As believers,
this reconciliation is as family members. Our sin does not place us
outside the family of God, but it does break our fellowship with God.
said, "As
we daily sin, so we must, by a daily remission, be received by God
into His favor."
Colin Brown writes that, "The
appeal to 'be reconciled to God' is addressed to the church. The
church, no less than the world, needs to enter into this
reconciliation and live it out."
Ephesians says that "He
is our peace."
Since He is our peace, then we ought to take care to keep the peace
between us and the Lord. As soon as we are aware of sinning then let
us confess it to the Lord and repent of it. Only then will we be fit
to be "ambassadors
for Christ."
The Lord wants to use those who are assured that they are reconciled
to God by the grace of the Lord Jesus to have the ministry of
reconciliation and to proclaim that "word of reconciliation"
which is the gospel.
you need to be reconciled to God? He is more than willing to forgive
your sins and to be reconciled. If you desire this reconciled
relationship with God, then I would urge you to get alone with the
Lord and read over 2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2. Read over this passage
and ask the Lord to show you your sin. Ask Him to show you your need
of Christ. Then pray that God will reveal Christ to you and His way
of salvation. That way of salvation is that you must be born again,
you must repent of all your sins and you must surrender your soul in
faith to God, receiving and resting in the Lord Jesus and his death
and resurrection. May God grant you repentance and faith as you seek
Him in this urgent and important matter - the salvation of your
eternal soul.